
Monday, September 5, 2011

2 On Tuesday!

So I thought since I have been MIA for awhile that I would re-start my blog with a link-up! My cousin, A, is now hosting 2 on Tuesdays. Be sure to visit her blog, My Chihuahua Bites!

This week's theme is 2 favorite things about Fall.
Let me just say that Fall is by far my favorite season. I am most looking forward to both mine and my husband's bdays :) We always celebrate wth both of our families and friends. Maybe this year we will try a joint family birthday dinner. I really love family time because the older I get, the rarer the family time gets. Everyones schedules seem to get busier and busier, and it's always good to step back, and just enjoy being together.

My 2nd favorite thing about fall is all of the fall decorations. I have been pinteresting a lot lately for fall decor ideas and have found some pretty cute diy ones! My friend Jessica is having a halloween party so I have been sharing a lot of the ideas with her for her party. I'm looking forward to Fall and getting back into blogging mode :)

"Happy Fall Ya'll"